Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Design and Print

I'd been asked to keep this one secret for a bit - giving the author time to get it out there and also get copies to friends and families. Now that a month has passed, it's time to let everyone see what we managed to create and publish.

It's not a complex project, by any means, but it has taken more than a year to get it finished. That's been a combination of many different delays, changes, proofing issues and simply a lack of time. I'm actually very happy with the way that it has finally turned out. The printers have done an excellent job of reproducing the images in very high quality and it really is stunning in person.

Here are a couple of spreads from inside, to give a brief glimpse into the finished product.

With such a relatively small page count, it might seem like this should be a quick process, but there are many things to consider when working on a photo book and the artist had very particular requirements regarding the layout, the numbering and the overall feel of the final product.